Getting Over It… Quick Tips for Beating the Post-Holiday Slump

by | Jan 18, 2016

It’s a stark reality that millions of us face once the holiday season is over: the post-holiday slump. Even just a few days off can make coming back to the office seem excruciating—there’s all that work to do, the anticipation and cheer of the holidays are gone, and for many people the next vacation day is a long way off. Yes, being a working adult is tough, but getting over the post-holiday slump doesn’t have to be with these tips:

Keep the special treats coming. There’s no reason to go cold-turkey on self-kindness just because the holidays are over. Why not savor a festive mug of hot cocoa instead of coffee at your desk? Or bring that nice hand cream you received as a gift to the office and use it when you need a little pampering during the workday.

Flex your schedule, if possible. You know when you’re most productive and energized at work… so try not to fight your natural rhythm. If you’re not as perky first thing in the morning, see if you can start your workday a little later and rejuvenate with some extra sleep. If you like to get things going early, take advantage of this energy and get a head start, then leave a little earlier if you can.

Lighten your load a bit. The start of the new year often means a renewed sense of urgency to get things done. To avoid feeling completely overwhelmed and cranky, try to pace your schedule so that you have time to breathe and get things done as opposed to running from one meeting to the next.

Get on with your goals. If you find it hard to resume the regular routine after the holidays, try to respect your feelings while avoiding getting mired down in self pity. You may find that reevaluating your professional goals can be quite energizing. Break down your objectives into manageable tasks and, “Just do it!” Sometimes getting started is difficult, but once you have momentum you’ll recapture your pre-holiday mojo.

Transitioning back to post-holiday can be tough, but as we all know, all good things must come to an end. So be kind to yourself—and your co-workers—ease back into your regular workdays and tackle the goals that will make 2016 one to remember!